Lee Chong Wei applied the wrong tactics in his game against Lin Dan. Lee Chong Wei should have gone for the attack from the start!
Lee Chong Wei was mentally unprepared; he failed to realize that his...
It is the end of the road for Perak Football Association in the 2007-2008 Malaysian football season.Perak football team had been kicked in the butt in the 2007-2008 Malaysian Super League and FA Cup football...
Yes, I’m back once again but only temporarily. I’m on a short break right now, giving me the chance to do some snooping and find out what the f*ck is wrong with Perak Football Association.I will have...
It was a very close match but MLS All-Stars managed to beat West Ham in the end. David Beckham in his first MLS All-Star game did not score any goals but his contributions were praised all over by American...
If there is one thing I don’t like about English soccer, it would be their pompous and arrogant former soccer stars such as Peter Shilton who recently said that David Beckham simply could not do it.Could...
Ha! Ha! I have a stupid video for fans of Manchester United’s pretty boy Cristiano Ronaldo. He was caught red handed on video, shopping for who-knows-what (girls perhaps!) in Melrose Avenue, Los Ange...