Master the art of diving!

I can’t believe that I’m saying this but one of the most important skills that strikers and centre forwards have to master is the art of diving to get penalties and free kicks. No coaches in the world would admit this officially but the fact is that every one of them secretly taught their strikers and centre forwards to dive convincingly and of course with finesse. Italian soccer is full of such tricks, making it one of the dirtiest soccer leagues in the world.

As for Perak’s soccer team, Khalid Jamlus and Razali Umar Kandasamy should learn to master this ancient art as soon as possible. I’m not worried about Caceres; he seems to have a lot of this in him. :-)

Stevie old Darby, you should know what to do. Teach them all the tricks in the book, old chap!

Plenty of Giant Groupers at Sembilan Island?

Thanks to the StarOnline and their sensational news about a giant grouper weighing a whopping 180kg caught by Malaysian fishermen somewhere near Sembilan Island, the locals living in Pulau Pangkor, Lumut and Bagan Datoh have revealed that giant groupers was a common catch there. Fishermen have caught giant groupers couple of times before but they never did bother to sensationalize it.

Such news would be great for sports fishing enthusiasts especially those keen on landing giant groupers. I love fishing but the thought of landing giant groupers gives me the creeps. I think I’ll stick to barramundis (sea bass) and snooks for the time being. :-)

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  1. The world's biggest giant grouper?