Cheer up, Perak football fans!

Every Perak football (soccer to those Brits) fans have good reasons to be pissed and right down disappointed. Their team was humbled and humiliated right in front of the home crowd last night. The final score (5 to Kedah and 2 to Perak) was quite unbelievable and pretty much unacceptable by Perak’s past football standard.

Then again, I don’t think the fans should overreact and get emotional. The fans have to bear in mind that the current team is no where near last season’s. Key players such as Keita Mandjou and Troare Abdoulaye have left the team and they left a very big vacuum that is not easy to be filled by just anybody. It would probably take forever to find competent replacements to take over their legendary shoes.

Yob4ever Dot Com should know me by my nickname pretty well. I was probably Perak’s strongest critic in the online world but so far I have said nothing about Perak’s current form and performance. When I heard that both Keita and Troare had left the team, I knew well in advance that the whole Perak football team would never be the same again. I also knew that Steve Darby would have big headaches in the new 2007-2008 Malaysian Super League season. Well, his headaches are much more apparent now after Kedah deliver Perak the awful knockout punch last night.

Maybe I’m just being too nice to Perak’s football team at the moment. I do have comments and criticisms of my own but I would keep it to myself for the time being. I would share them with everyone some time soon. :-)

In the mean time, I hope that Perak football fans would cheer up and forget all about yesterday’s big defeat. It’s not the end of the world and besides, Perak lost to a better team, probably the best team in the Malaysian Super League at the moment last night. Let Kedah have all the glory for now. :-)

Cheer up, guys!

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