- He failed to appreciate the enormous support given by Perak football/soccer fans.
- He failed to create good rapports with Perak football/soccer fan clubs.
- Steve Darby has the knack of discovering young and talented football/soccer players but he failed to develop them further.
- He failed to realize that English football/soccer style is not suitable for Perak and Malaysian football/soccer players that are rich with individual talents. While other football/soccer coaches build their team around talented football/soccer players, Steve Darby put too much emphasis on teamwork neglecting the fact that individualism played important roles in Malaysian football/soccer scene.
- He failed to meet the demands of tight football/soccer scheduling for Perak in the 2007-2008 football/soccer season.
- He failed to introduce a good rotation system that can give Perak players their much needed rests. His failure inadvertently pushed the first-eleven players to their limits and now they are too exhausted to play their normal game.
- He failed to kick out over-the-hill Perak football/soccer players and replace them with fresh new players.
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