The StarOnline in their late posting posted yesterday’s evening reported that members of Perak Football Fan Club are asking for
the sacking (they want his butt out of the team!) of Steve Darby or Stephen David Darby. Looks like Steve Darby’s days as the Perak’s soccer team head coach are now very much numbered.

You never did learn your lesson, did you Steve? You pissed of Home United’s fans in the past and now you are doing it again on Perak’s fans.
Maybe it is time for you to walk alone, Steve. You have done enough damage already.
perak fa, malaysian super league, football, soccer, malaysia
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Perak Fans and Steve must make Peace.
It is all right to disagree on certain points of a debate. It is warranted and legitimate.
Yob4ever has guidelines and procedures concerning what are posted, what is not. Some postings that relates to personal and individual are prohibited. That applies to any personal comments made towards players and coach off the field. They must be awarded with respect and privacy.
Sham closed the players thread. He is correct in his actions. Legally, there are no controversies with his decisions.
Postings that are deemed racial, even slightest should also be omitted. The coach is a British of English descendant. To relate him as a "bangsa penjajah" is tantamount to making racist comments. Many of the forummers had written these phrases, and it should be stop. It is a violation of Yob4ever policies on posting racial comments. Moderators should abide by this policy.
Historically, Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957. Britain no longer colonized Malaysia. No British citizens are masters of this country. Steve is an Englishman, but he is not a "banga penjajah". To us, he is just a coach for the Perak soccer team.
Now coming back to the incidents that had transpired between Steve and the Perak fans after the Kedah game. Both versions of the story had been given. I saw the video clip. I read the news transcripts, I read Steve's versions. I also read the fans versions. Personal emotions ran high, and both sides are hurt by each other comments.
I want to be neutral and not take sides. Nor do I want to make enemies with Joe Pengkalan or with any of the Perak fans. What important is, how could we solve this issue amicably?
Negative things had come up in the newspapers and other e-Fan websites. Non-Perakian is enjoying the bitter feud. They are laughing at our internal bickering. They are relishing on our domestics quarrel.
Things had been said. Hurtful comments still ringing in the head. Who says what? Who is correct? These are none of my concerns. I will let the Perak FA officials and FAM start the investigation. Let them sort it out.
What concerns me is that fans should support the team, whether they are locals or imported, they are integral members of the Perak soccer team. Further racial comments directed to the Englishman and the Chileans will further constraint the good relationship between fans and Perak team.
The players, the coach, the fans must make an effort to forget what had happened, or at least try to. Let bygones be bygones.
Concentrate on soccer, and mend on broken feelings. Both sides must reconciliate and make amends.
For the Perak soccer team to succeed, all of us must join together, and unite as one.
Yob Latino - A Yob and a Perak gentleman.